A g u s t i n A M o s c A
After years of busking (since 2002), this natural urban spot became her experimentation place, her setting of musical ideas, of discover, of contact with very different people, full of the funiest meetings ...her laboratory, her "ofice" !
In 2009, she dedicates her second solo album, "Otro Ruido de Tierra" ("Another Sound from Earth", Buenos Aires) to the street, to the work that the busk act itself let her made, and to all the people who has stopped in front of her music while time goes.
Barcelone (her beginnig), Ibiza, Formentera, Cadiz, Madrid, San Sebastian, Bilbao, Lisboa, Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Santiago de Chile, Rio de Janeiro, Buzios, Amsterdam, Torino, Bordeaux, Lille, Toulouse, Avignon, La Rochelle ...are the citys where she has filled up of vibrations their streets.
Since 2006, installed in Paris, she has opened a spot in the George Pompidou Centre's Square. Place that became her "official ofice" since then, where the most of the last years's pictures has been taken. And also where people comes looking for her sounds.
Watch out ! If you are walking around Beaubourg zone you can be hipnotized by her envolving sound !
In a very different place, Agustina's concerts propose always news and surprises. Taking advantage of a very different position of the audience, a bigger attention, she decide to combine her sounds with other musicians, to complet the plural musical act, where everybody helps to create one only thing that is listened. In this way, she shows the extremly musical versatility of didgeridoo. With the idea of including explicitly the public into the creation fact, the projections has been taken a big place in her latest concerts. helping her to make very magics moments !
Moulin de Porchères Oct 2016 | Moulin de Porchères Oct 2016 | Moulin de Porchères Oct 2016 |
Moulin de Porchères Oct 2016 | Moulin de Porchères Oct 2016 | Moulin de Porchères Oct 2016 |
Chateau de Porchères, Oct 2016 | Chateau de Porchères, Oct 2016 | Chateau de Porchères, Oct 2016 |
VIAJES'2015.jpg | Swizzeridoo2016.JPG | 1008648_720399224643678_98286346_o.jpg |
1097922_720399664643634_1189230064_o.jpg | Kibélé Café, Abril 2015, Paris. | Kibélé Café, Abril 2015, Paris. |
Campillo, Ene 2016. Bs As.Argentina. | Boite à Gants, Lyon. France Jul 2015 | NoAvestruz Buenos Aires 2010Foto Veronica Fuertes. |
Kibele Francia 2013 | TheloniusClub Argentina 2011 | NoAvestruz Argentina 2011Junto a Andrés Saggio y Candela Cibrian. Foto Veronica Fuertes. |
Loonaloop Europe Tour 2009 | Bicyclette Paris 2013Junto a Patrick Sioda. | Moscow 2012 |
Didgeridoo Breath Fremantle Australia 2008 | Airvault Francia 2011 | ThêatredeVerre Paris 2006 |
Airvault, Francia, 2011. | NoAvestruz, Buenos Aires 2012Foto Veronica Fuertes. | NoAvestruz, Buenos Aires 2012Junto a Andrés Saggio. Foto Veronica Fuertes. |
NoAvestruz, Buenos Aires 2012Junto a Andrés Saggio. Foto Veronica Fuertes. |
After years of busking, so many things happened in front of my music that the desire of showing that becames a need. Recording some new sound with my photographe camera, I've suddenly found the way! So, this videos was recorded between October 2012 and Mai 2013, in the Parvis of George Pompidou Center, in Paris.
Enjoy it!
Mixed by Andy Rocca.
An incredible evening, wich three greats didgeplayers of contemporary music. Agustina Mosca with the duo CAPIC[O]UA, with Yannick Benoit; OLOJI TRIO, and ONDREJ SMEYKAL.
Something to remember!
AGUALMARINA's presentation, together with Juliette Jacobs in the images, which has given to the project a major extent, illustrating the imagination, the trip and " to submerge " inside the music of this new work.
Thêatre El Duende, 31 Mayo 2013, Ivry-sur-Seine, Francia.
Lorenzo Nessi, hang.
A classic of Agustina's music, Wilson's Creek (Otro Ruido de Tierra, 2009) inspired in the Australian's landscape, close to Byron Bay, home of Si Mullumby, first inspiration for Agustina.
Music: Agustina Mosca
Mixed by Andy Rocca